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Jose Carlos Gutierrez M.

"I have personally found the 'Training Your Children to Remain in the Vine' book to be a great blessing, as it has encouraged me to be persistent in my devotional life and has provided me with useful worksheets to keep track of my progress. Additionally, the virtual class with Author and Teacher Terita St Julian is an excellent complement to the book, where you can learn from other participants' experiences. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for practical ways to guide their family towards living by God's word. Don't miss out on this opportunity to strengthen your family's faith and build a strong foundation in God's teachings."

Mexico City, Mexico


Leah Dion

"Training Your Children to Remain in the Vine is more than a course or Bible study...this is a family. Through the heartaches and joys of parenting, I've grown to depend on and love God more, which has produced a more peaceful home. I can't say enough about this ministry! It's anointed! I'm truly a different person because of God working through this ministry."

Owens Cross Roads, Alabama


Reggie and Bianca Hughes


" We have known Avery for a very long time and have been blessed to be friends with Avery and his family for years.  We have been honored to be able to watch Avery grow from a young boy to a young man after God’s own heart.  


Serving as a piano instructor to 2 of our kids, his ability to teach them has amazed us.  Week after week, with a patience and maturity that surpasses his young age, he teaches our kids the basics of playing the piano with a disposition that exudes the fruits of the Spirit of God: love, patience and kindness are chief among them.  Our kiddos truly look forward to seeing Avery every week and learning from him; that speaks to his character and to his inviting personality.  


Honestly, it is the atmosphere that Avery sets - the countenance of joy and love that he consistently carries - that is what our kids look forward to.  They know that piano lessons with Mr. Avery is going to be an enjoyable time and a safe space for them.  And while the piano lessons have been valuable, what we have truly appreciated is the way that he consistently encourages and affirms our kids.  


The highest compliment I can give Avery is that we pray that our two sons grow up to be like him.  Oh, and he is really, really good at teaching piano!  If you’re looking for an instructor, my wife and I highly recommend Avery St. Julian."

Harvest, Alabama


Kevin and Kristen Collier

We met Alessa during an online seminar back in 2022, and from that first interaction we realized we were seeing an exceptional talent and role model for young people everywhere. She initially did secondary voice over roles for our animated cartoon productions for Collier Animation, including the voice of "Hope the Angelfish," before we approached her, and she accepted to play the role (voice) of Beatrice the humble bumble bee in our ACM Studios “Bible Bea '' cartoon series. What can we say? She’s more than a talent, but an influencer. Aleesa is a living example of what any young person can achieve, with mind, heart and faith, above all. We are truly blessed and excited to have her working with us!

  Co-founders of Collier Animation and Directors of Production at ACM Studios

Grand Haven, Michigan

Kevin and Kristen Collier[428].jpg

Jeff (Coach) Haley 

The Raising Godly Children class with Mrs. St. Julian was an awesome experience and right on time for me being a new parent. We had just moved back to Huntsville, going through a divorce and still learning how this whole parent thing works. The raising godly children class was a breath of fresh air just hearing the experiences and testimonies by Mrs. St. Julian. Learning how to understand scripture and how to actually apply them to parenting was essential. It really helped settle a lot of my fears and insecurities in being a dad and now a single parent. I would highly recommend this class to all parents whether a new parent, experience parent or a true Jedi master at parenting.

Madison, Alabama


Cynecia Harris

There are so many things that I could say about this course taught by Terita St. Julian at The Rock. Terita is such a beautiful soul, full of the love of Jesus, and her course exudes compassion, energy, and the Holy Spirit. She tells the most amazing stories through her journey of motherhood, while remaining in the vine. Her class encompasses the essence of what it is to walk with Christ, and her candor and openness creates a safe space to reflect on parenthood and how to nurture the love of Jesus in our day to day raising of children. Her course has been a blessing to my journey, as it invites reflection on ones parenting tactics to foster our children towards a Christian framework. Our Lord and Savior uses Terita as a vessel to spread His word, with gentleness and deep rooted emotion that excites the soul for His love and grace. Parenting comes with many trials and tribulations, and Terita is able to provide guidance and techniques to assist parents with raising children to be of His world. I highly recommend!!!!

Gurley, Alabama


Justin and Michelle Givens

What we learned from Terita and this book really helped us rethink our approach to parenting. We learned how to recenter our parenting around Christ instead of ourselves or our children. We did this by concerning our parenting more around reflecting Christ's character in all areas of our lives so our children know what being a Christ follower should look like. We also learned how important it is to openly communicate the fluffy and the not-so-fluffy topics with our kids. All of which will build a stronger foundation for their relationship with Christ as well as with us. 

Huntsville, Alabama

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